Ulusoy Flour in short

Ulusoy Flour Industry and Trade Inc;

was established in 1989 to manufacture, trade, import and export all kinds of foodstuffs such as flour, semolina, pasta and biscuits made of cereals and pulses.
The total wheat processing capacity of our group reached 4,415 tons/day with 2,088 tons/day at our 50th Year factory operating in Samsun Gıda Organized Industrial Zone, 383 tons/day at Çorlu Tekirdağ production facilities, 640 tons/day at the Söke factory owned by our Söke Milling company, 841 tons/day at the Ankara factory and 463 tons/day at the Antakya factory, which was 275 tons/day when it was acquired, as a result of revisions and capacity increases.
Ulusoy Flour started exporting in 1995 and has exported flour to 107 countries to date. In 2023, it realized approximately 10% of the sector's exports in Turkey.
In 2023, our company was again included in the TIM 1000 list with its success in exports. With exports of 127.3 million dollars in 2023, it rose 37 places in the list compared to 2022 and became Turkey's 210th largest exporter and the 13th largest exporter of the cereals, pulses, oil seeds and products sector. Our company was also recognized as the largest exporter in the flour sector according to the TIM1000 list.  
In the ISO 500 list, where Turkey's Top 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises are determined, our Company ranked 243rd in the ranking of sales figures from production in 2023, rising 30 places compared to the previous year. According to net sales figures, our company ranked 51st and ranked 1st in Samsun.
Ulusoy Flour, which has been included in the Fortune500 list, one of the world's most respected institutions where Turkey's 500 largest companies are determined, has become the 57th largest company in Turkey with net sales of 39 billion 660 million TL in 2023. Ranked 69th in 2022, Ulusoy Flour increased its net sales by 51 percent and rose 12 places in the list. Ranked 2nd among Turkey's agricultural, grain, dairy, meat and aquaculture companies, Ulusoy Flour continued to be the leading company in the flour sector. Ulusoy Flour, the 18th largest exporter in Turkey, became the largest company in Samsun.
On March 28, 2013, the Company acquired a 17% stake in SASBAŞ Samsun Free Zone Founder and Operator Inc. With this investment, Ulusoy Flour participated in Samsun Free Zone, one of the most strategic points in the Black Sea Region, which has the warehousing and logistics infrastructure needed for the development of transit trade abroad, and had a significant efficiency in its management.
On 20.11.2014, Ulusoy Flour  went public and its shares started to be traded on Borsa Istanbul. On 27.02.2015, with Ulidas Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing Joint Stock Company, which was established as a 100% subsidiary of our company, we invested in the Licensed Warehousing system, which we can consider as the future of the agricultural sector.  
Currently 42,000 tons in Çorum / Alaca, 67,000 tons Yozgat / Sorgun, 60,000 tons Kırıkkale / Çerikli and In Aydın / Germencik, which is approximately 20 km. away from our Söke Milling facilities, 18,500 tons With a total capacity of 187,450 tons in 4 regions, Licensed Warehousing continues its activities.
On 15.03.2018, our subsidiary named ROLWEG S.A. was established in Geneva, Switzerland with 100% of its capital owned by Ulusoy Flour Industry and Trade Inc.
On 18.09.2019, Alfaway Gıda Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. was established with 100% of its capital owned by Ulusoy Flour Industry and Trade Inc.
All shares of Söke Milling Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company(Söke Flour) were acquired by our company on 11.01.2022. 
In 2023, Söke Milling shares, which were offered to the public in Borsa Istanbul, started to be traded as a result of a record demand of 118 times and became the second publicly traded company in the sector after Ulusoy Flour. 
Ulusoy Asset and Industry Real Estate Investments Trading joint stock Company and Ulusoy Un Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company were established in 2023 as a result of the transfer of 100% of Ulusoy Flour Industry and Trade Inc. through partial spin-off in order to make more effective use of some of the real estates registered in our company's assets. 
In 2024, Edel Food and Agriculture Limited and Agromark Trading Commodities Limited, both 100% owned by Ulusoy Flour Industry and Trade Inc., were established in Malta to increase our effectiveness in international trade.
We are the leader of the Turkish flour market with an annual sales of 760 thousand tons.