• 28.09.2016

Ulusoy Un from Samsun, which produces different flours for bread, pizza, noodles, fish feed, chapati, etc., increased its turnover from 61 million lira in 2006 to over 1 billion lira in 2015 and has achieved one of the greatest successes in the traditional sectors in recent years.

The 'institutionalization, branding and product diversification' project of Ulusoy Un, a family company based in SAMSUN, which started with the second generation management, brought great success. The turnover, which was 61 million liras in 2006, exceeded 1 billion 30 million liras in 2015. The total assets of the company, which was 46 million liras in the same year, rose to 503 million liras at the end of last year. Apart from bread flour, the company produces pizza, noodles, fish feed, chapati (a kind of thin bread) and flour for patisserie products for the domestic market and export, and a growth story that will set an example for all family companies in Anatolia with its independent board members and its listing on the stock market. revealed. Eren Günhan Ulusoy, President of Ulusoy Un’s Board of Directors, tells the story of the company as follows:


“The founder of our company (now honorary president) is my father, Fahrettin Ulusoy. He started his business life as a grain store by founding Ulusoy Food company in 1969. Between 1970-80, due to the fact that there were very few flour factories in the Black Sea Region, it started to buy flour from producers in other regions and sell it to regional wholesalers. Thus, he became one of the important flour traders of the Black Sea. Rapid growth was experienced between 1980-86 and Ulusoy Food became the most effective food and consumer goods distribution and marketing company in the Black Sea coast. My father always had a dream of owning a flour factory one day. That's why he became a partner of Hasan Usta Un between 1986-88 and stepped into production. In 1991, the flour factory with a daily wheat processing capacity of 180 tons was put into production in Samsun.


Foreign trade has also grown since the 2000s. In order to manage the growing business volume, it was necessary to develop the organizational structure of the company. We have accelerated our institutionalization efforts since 2010. With the various departments and audit committees established within the company, better risk management and sustainability were achieved. Then we decided to go public in order to make the institutionalization permanent and we made our primary public offering at the end of 2014. I can say that the main dynamic behind the growth is 'to benefit from the common power of these two fields by both production and trade, to manage risks and opportunities well and of course not to lose the strong credibility left to us by our elders'. We are a family company whose management has been transferred to the second generation and currently there is no family member other than me in the management of the company.


We continue production in our two factories, which produce 500 tons per day in Samsun and 400 tons in Çorlu. We also have silos, warehouses and free zone warehouses with a grain storage capacity of more than 100,000 tons. According to 2015 year-end data, we made a total of over 350,000 tons of sales from production and nearly 1 million tons of agricultural commodities trade. With our employment of 232 people, we exceeded the turnover of 510 million TL in the first half of 2016.”


Eren Günhan Ulusoy, President of the Board of ULUSOY Un, Samsun Food Organize Ind. He states that the new factory investment in his region continues and conveys the following information: “This factory will have a daily wheat processing capacity of 600 tons. Thus, our total daily wheat processing capacity will increase to 1500 tons. We also enter different agricultural commodities in the field of trade. In our opinion, licensed warehousing is an important practice that will bring a new era to the country's agriculture, and we established Ulidaş Agriculture Products Licensed Warehousing Industry and Trade Inc. in this field. We started the construction of a 42 thousand-ton licensed warehouse in Çorum Alaca. With the investments we will make in the coming years, we will increase our total storage capacity to over 160 thousand tons. Last year, we exported 170 thousand tons (52 million dollars) of flour and this year we turned to new markets to increase this.”
