• 18.07.2017

TFIF President Eren Günhan Ulusoy told Para magazine on the week of 17 July about the measures taken by the flour industry in the July 15 coup attempt.

"The failure of the coup attempt was made possible by the unity of the Turkish nation, its determined attitude and the will to protect democracy. All the institutions, political parties, non-governmental and media organizations of our country embraced democracy. Together with the sector organizations, we, as TUSAF, supported our state and public institutions' democracy watch and provided the necessary information to our sector. Thanks to this belief and unity, the markets and the real economy gained momentum after that date. Although the economy contracted by 1.8%, the growth data gained momentum and reached 5% in the first three months of 2017. Parallel to this improvement in the economy, our production and exports were at a good level.Turkey has been the champion of world flour export for the last five years. Our end goal is to increase our exports to 3.6 million tons and to generate 1 billion 100 million dollars in revenue."