• 12.03.2017

There are 750 flour factories in Turkey. However, they can use their capacity by 40 percent. In other words, it is one of the production areas with the highest idle capacity. In such a picture, a businessman applied to the bank and said, "I will establish a new flour factory, give me a loan." What do you think the bank's response would be? However, there is a company in Turkey that is establishing its 751st flour factory in Samsun Food Organized Industrial Zone.

The first phase of the factory, which will have a daily wheat processing capacity of 600 tons, is planned to be completed in June 2018. Ultimately, it is aimed to establish a facility of 1800 tons with an investment of 60 million TL. We are talking about Ulusoy Un. Currently, the company has facilities in Samsun and Çorlu with a daily wheat processing capacity of 900 tons. When the new investment is completed, it will double its capacity.

Ulusoy Un, under the helm of Eren Günhan Ulusoy, is Samsun's second largest company. Being the only publicly traded flour producer, the company's 2017 turnover target is 1 billion 300 million TL. The flour export of the company, which also carries out transit wheat trade, reaches 50 million dollars. This means 5 percent of Turkey's current exports. Considering that there is intense competition with 750 flour mills in the domestic market, it is certain that the company's target is export. For this reason, the company's managers are running in all markets from the Philippines to Palestine. Our friend Rahime Baş Uçar learned that the company, which is also active in United Nations tenders, was opening up to the Iraqi market with the last tender it received from the UN. Enthusiasts know that when the UN made a purchase for Iraq, it invited companies in the Southeast, especially in Mardin Kızıltepe, to its tenders. This time he invited Ulusoy Un. The company will export 1600 tons in two batches. Eren Günhan Ulusoy, President of the Board of Directors of Ulusoy Un, with whom we talked on the subject, "The Iraqi market has also been opened to us. Turkey exports 1.4 million tons of flour to Iraq annually. The figures of the tender we received are small, but we are glad that the market has opened." says.

Money Magazine