• 04.04.2017

The 13th International Congress and Exhibition on "Wheat and Flour Trade, Trends and Innovation in Bakery Products" organized by the Turkish Flour Industrialists' Federation (TUSAF) in Antalya Belek has ended.

Long-Term Policies for Agriculture

Mehmet Daniş, Deputy Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, said in his speech at the congress that agriculture will continue to be a strategic sector, considering that millions of people in the world are facing hunger or malnutrition. For this reason, Daniş noted that as a ministry, they approached agriculture not with day-to-day policies, but by creating long-term policies, and stated that the agricultural sector has reached its most stable period in the last 15 years.

Reminding that the grain production in Turkey was approximately 35 million tons in 2016, Daniş stated that since 2018, they have included drought in the scope of grain production. Daniş emphasized that they divided Turkey into 941 basins with the National Agriculture Project, and that they kept wheat production in 941 basins within the scope of support.

Turkey is the World's Largest Flour Exporter

Speaking at the congress, TFIF President Eren Günhan Ulusoy noted that the flour industry is one of the few agricultural industry sectors in Turkey with an economic size of 18 billion liras.

Expressing that Turkey is the world's largest flour exporter, Ulusoy said, "Our flour export, which was 253 thousand tons in 2002, increased by 14 times to 3.5 million tons in 15 years. In the same period, Turkey's exports increased from 40 billion dollars to 150 billion dollars, Flour exports increased 22 times from 47 million dollars to 1 billion 80 million dollars. Our flour industrialists realize 30 percent of the world flour trade of 11.6 million tons." used the phrases.

Ulusoy also stated that the industry has been faced with a false and unfounded news in Adana in the last period, and stated that the flour industrialist is against all kinds of issues that harm health.

TOBB Deputy Chairman Faik Yavuz also said that 2016 was a difficult year, that he was faced with an unexpected attempt, and that this inevitably affected the economy. Yavuz emphasized that his doors are wide open to exporters in terms of financing.
