• 08.07.2018

Ulusoy Un entered the Fortune 500 list, one of the most respected institutions in the world, where Turkey's largest 500 companies are determined, with a turnover of 1 billion 800 million TL, from the 131st place.

Ulusoy Un, which was founded by Fahrettin Ulusoy in 1969, operates in the fields of production, trade and licensed warehousing and is among Turkey's 500 industrial giants and 500 largest export companies, entered the Fortune 500 list determined by Turkey's largest 500 companies from the 131st place. Ulusoy Un, which entered the list for the first time in 2012 from the 226th rank and this year, jumped 95 places in 5 years with a turnover of 1 billion 800 million TL and climbed to the 131st rank, entered the list from Samsun in the first place in the province ranking.

Ulusoy Un, which ranks 6th in agricultural, grain, milk, meat and aquaculture products, rose 18 ranks compared to the previous year and took its place in the 59th place in the export ranking. Ulusoy Un, which increased its turnover by 57 percent compared to the previous year and climbed to the top of the Fortune 500 list, continues its investments in the 3rd factory with a daily wheat processing capacity of 1200 tons and licensed warehousing in the Samsun Organized Food Industry Zone in the first place.

We have been on the list for 6 years

Making a statement on the subject, Ulusoy Un President of the Board Eren Günhan Ulusoy said, “It is a great honor for our company to be included in the Fortune 500 magazine, which is considered one of the most respected publications of the economy in the world, for 6 years, in our sector, which has made Turkey the world's flour export champion for 6 years. The fact that our company is ranked 131st, jumping 34 places compared to last year, sheds light on the investments we will make. It is another source of happiness for us to represent our city with the highest turnover and export figures by entering Samsun in the first place on the list.
