• 30.06.2017

TFIF President Ulusoy: "The number of countries to which we export Turkish flour has reached 160 in the last 10 years. 92 percent of the world's population lives in these countries. Our flour reaches all continents from the Far East to Africa, from the Middle East to America. We exported flour to 109 countries only last year.Turkey, which exports flour to many different countries from the USA to China, from Seychelles to the Union of Comoros, from Vanuatu to Tonga, makes the most sales to Iraq, Sudan and Syria. "

Eren Günhan Ulusoy, President of the Turkish Flour Industrialists' Federation (TUSAF), stated that they sell flour all over the world from the USA to China, from Seychelles to Vanuatu, and said, "The number of countries to which we export Turkish flour has reached 160 in the last 10 years. 92 percent of the world's population lives in these countries. said.

In his statement to the AA correspondent, Ulusoy noted that exports in the flour sector have increased very rapidly since 2003, adding that Turkey has started to import wheat in recent years to export flour.

Expressing that Turkey's long-term wheat production average is sufficient for itself, Ulusoy stated that 19 million tons of wheat is consumed annually in the country, 22.5 million tons of wheat was produced in 2015 and 20.5 million tons in 2016.

Expressing that the consumption amount is higher than the production, Ulusoy said, "Only when there is a drought from time to time, wheat can be imported. For example, the production tonnage decreased to 18 million tons in 2014. In other words, it is very rare for imports to be due to insufficient production." he said.

Ulusoy, who reiterated that Turkey has been importing flour to export flour in recent years, stated that the flour export, which was 253 thousand tons in 2002, increased 14 times and reached 3.5 million tons in 15 years. He told me he was out.

Ulusoy noted that 30 percent of the world flour trade of 11.6 million tons is realized by Turkish flour industrialists and said that they will continue to increase this success.

Emphasizing that their goal this year is to clinch their championship in world flour exports, which they have maintained for the last 5 years, Ulusoy said, "We expect an increase in flour exports this year. We export at least 1.1 billion dollars of flour and 3.5 million tons of Inc.an flour is sold all over the world. We'll sell it to the corner." used the phrases.


Ulusoy stated that the number of flour factories has decreased in recent years and that they estimate that the number of factories, which decreased from 1,150 to 730, will decrease to 400 within 10 years.

Expressing that the factories here are growing and the idle production facilities are out of the system, Ulusoy said, "However, the capacity utilization rates are increasing in our country. About 50 percent of the total capacity of 30 million tons was used last year. The increase in exports has a large share in the increase here." said.

Noting that the number of flour exporting countries has reached 160 in the last 10 years, Ulusoy said, "92 percent of the world's population lives in these countries. In other words, 9 out of every 10 people in the world live in countries where Turkish flour is consumed." he said.

Ulusoy, who stated that the biggest market in flour export is Iraq, where 40% of the total export is made, said that they dominate 90% of the Iraqi market.

Ulusoy noted that one million 430 thousand tons of flour was exported to Iraq last year, followed by 548 thousand to Sudan, 385 thousand to Syria, 139 thousand to Angola, 109 thousand to the Philippines, 106 thousand to Madagascar, He gave the information that 87 thousand tons of flour was exported to Indonesia and 78 thousand tons to Benin.


Ulusoy stated that 593 thousand tons of flour was sold to Iraq in the first four months of the year, followed by Sudan with 166,000 tons, Syria with 73 thousand tons, Angola with 47 thousand tons, Yemen with 28 thousand tons and Eritrea with 27 thousand tons. He explained that Somalia and Benin followed with 24 thousand tons.

Expressing that Turkish flour reaches almost every part of the world, Ulusoy emphasized that they have reached all the markets they can go to, and that they are working to deepen the existing markets while continuing to search for markets.

Ulusoy said, "Our flour reaches all continents from the Far East to Africa, from the Middle East to America. We exported flour to 109 countries only last year. From Seychelles to the Union of Comoros, from Maldives to Vanuatu, from Tonga. We sell flour everywhere from the USA to China, to Samoa and the Marshall Islands." said.

Pointing out that Turkish Industrialists even sell flour to the USA, Ulusoy said, "It is important to enter the US market, because the USA is a very important wheat producer. Despite being the fourth largest wheat producer in the world, we managed to introduce Turkish flour to the US market. Diabetic flour approved by both TÜBİTAK and FDA. "Our product has found its place in the US market. We see that the bakery products industry has changed and new trends have emerged due to the changing demands of consumers in the changing world. Our industrialists' ability to follow trends and produce products according to trends will increase our exports." made its assessment.